School Nurses
SCIS contracts nursing services through
SinoUnited Health Clinic and has certified nurses on campus who
are available during school hours and athletic
School Healthcare Guidelines
For minor accidents, bumps, and bruises, the
nurses will treat the student and he or she
will return to class. Parents will not be
contacted unless follow-up is required. Should
a child be physically ill, have a fever (over
37.2 degrees Celsius), or suffer a potentially
serious injury, such as a significant bump to
the head, parents will be contacted and are
expected to come and pick up their child. If
the parent cannot be contacted, the
student’s emergency contact will be
Medical Emergencies
In the case of serious accidents on the school
premises in which a child needs to be taken to
the hospital, the parents will be contacted
immediately and the student will be
transported, unless inadvisable due to neck or
back injury, to the nearest hospital where he
or she can receive expatriate level care. A
representative from the school will accompany
the child and remain with him or her until a
parent or guardian arrives to take
responsibility. When the parent arrives, the
school representative will depart after
explaining all the relevant circumstances.
Appropriate care will be given as required,
even if the parents cannot be reached.
For more information about our school nurse,
please contact our campus school
nurse office at: