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The re-enrollment process is vital as we strive to effectively plan for yet another successful school year. SCIS looks forward to your continued support and involvement in our school community and we hope to welcome your family back for yet another successful school year.

Our re-enrollment process is designed to ensure all current families have first priority to register for the upcoming school year. Thus, re-enrollment will commence on January 13th, 2023.

We recognize that your family circumstances may have changed since your initial survey submission, if you would like to update your enrollment intention for the 2023-2024 school year, please contact our Admissions Office (admissions@scis-china.org).

Have you secured your seat for the 2023-2024 school year?




Step 1:
Re-Enrollment Survey

Deadline: March 10 (Sent January 13)

Please e-mail SCIS Admissions if there are any changes to your family's plan for the 2023-2024 school year.

Step 2:
Seat Guarantee

Deadline: March 10

Payment of Deposit or Annual/Semester Tuition.

Step 3:
Re-Enrollment Survey

Deadline: June 1

Payment of Annual/Semester Tuition.

Early Payment Discounts: 

This payment incentive allows for a discount on tuition fees when annual tuition is paid in full by the following deadlines:

  • March 10 (7%)
  • April 14 (5%)
  • May 5 (3%)

Should you have any questions regarding re-enrollment or need any assistance, please contact our Admissions Office:

Name Job Title Email Tel
SCIS Admissions Office General Admissions admissions@scis-china.org 86-21-6295-1222*5876
Echo He School Registrar ehe@scis-china.org 86-21-6295-1222*5876
Grace Hu Admissions Finance Officer ghu@scis-china.org 86-21-6295-1222*5877






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