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SCIS Class of 2021 University Acceptances

The Shanghai Community International School graduating class of 2021 is set to attend some of the world’s leading undergraduate programs this year! Graduates are now preparing to head off to university, as acceptance letters have come in from 13 countries around the world.

This year, graduates have received offers from 120 different high-level educational institutions in Asia, the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and other countries across Europe. 

SCIS Class of 2021 University Acceptance List


SCIS Hongqiao Class of 2021

"Making sweet lemonade out of lemons is what this 2021 is all about. The SCIS Hongqiao graduating class is one of the most resilient, humorous, insightful, courageous, and hardworking classes I have had to pleasure of working with. I am often in awe of each and every one of them as they naturally rise above the many obstacles life throws at them. I am eager for them to continue to be the scholars, pioneers, and change-makers they are. We wish them all the success in their exciting new journey as they strive to make an imprint in this world.”

– Taylor Cobb, College Counselor at SCIS Hongqiao.


SCIS Pudong Class of 2021

“The SCIS Pudong class of 2021 has left a lasting mark on the SCIS community. This special group of students has shown grace and humility in the face of global uncertainty and instability. They leaned into friendship, they supported and inspired each other and they forged deep and indelible bonds with their parents, teachers, and SCIS. They are compassionate, resilient, creative, and conscientious. They know that they can take on any challenge, face any uncertainty or adapt to any change. They have done it once and they can do it again. They understand what it takes to build a community and believe in the power of facing challenges together. They each have a unique set of skills and talents but they all share a common passion to make a contribution to the world. Their teachers are deeply proud of them and wish them all the best!”

– Maja Kelly, College Counselor at SCIS Pudong.


Every year, graduation is a bittersweet moment, as the sadness of leaving friends and family behind combines with the excitement for what’s to come. But graduates can leave knowing that no matter where they end up around the world, the exceptionally strong bonds that they have developed over the years at SCIS will transcend any borders. 
Best of luck Class of 2021!

SCIS. Once A Dragon, Always a Dragon.

  • University acceptances

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