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#DragonsDesk | Powered by Purpose

“Life is never made unbearable by circumstances, but only by lack of meaning and purpose.” – Viktor Frankl  

According to an article by Health Match, research suggests that members of Generation Z (children aged 10 to 17) are the most anxious generation to date. While it is important to note that the generations before Generation Z have encountered similar factors that cause anxiety, it is also possible that Generation Z’s experience is heightened due to the ubiquitous nature of social media. Further, researchers have discovered a relationship between problematic social media use (PSMU) and children having difficulties with finding purpose as they are not able to successfully establish goals and are prone to procrastinate.  

With social media platforms designed to ‘enhance’ their day-to-day lives, social media has become more present than ever in the lives of this age group. Likes, followers, and re-sharing have become the new social currency and contribute to the feeling of gratification that this generation experiences, and more worryingly so, crave. It is here that we find a growing level of frustration as this generation finds itself on a continuous cycle of seeking self-fulfillment. Thus, students become reliant on outside factors such as likes and follows to validate their estimation of their self-worth, rather than drawing fulfillment from within.  

This is why it is important to introduce the concept of ‘purpose’ and lead our students to actions that will help instill a sense of meaning in their choices and actions. Learning is more meaningful when students do so with a purpose. This is why Shanghai Community International School (SCIS) encourages students to undergo deep and personal exploration, allowing them to establish purpose on their own.  

Having a purpose helps them reframe stressful situations and allows them to deal with them in a more productive manner, while also feeling more in control. This, in turn, will help with their self-esteem, while alleviating the feeling of anxiety.  

Ultimately, we want to help our students experience their adolescent years enjoyably while also preparing them to weather the trying times successfully. A life with challenges is not unbearable, instead, it is a journey powered by a purpose that makes it worth living and enjoying. 

It remains our goal at SCIS to help our students harness that sense of purpose and guide them toward applying that purpose in a manner that cultivates their ability to become exceptional thinkers who are prepared for the future. In doing so, we believe they will be able to confidently push back against the listless tendencies that can take hold in this age of social media. In turn, this is how we will deliver on our school mission, “to develop inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring learners who contribute positively to their communities.”

SCIS. Powered by Purpose.

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