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How an IB Education Empowers Students to Make Change

Written by Ken Kitchens, Upper School Principal at SCIS Pudong 

All members of the Shanghai Community International School (SCIS) community want the best for our students’ education, aiming to provide them with opportunities that will help them thrive academically and personally. In today's rapidly changing world, it's crucial that students not only receive a strong academic foundation but also develop the skills and mindset necessary to make a positive impact on society. This is where the International Baccalaureate (IB) programme shines. In this article, we will explore how an IB education empowers students to make change, with a particular focus on the IB CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service) program and the attributes of the IB Learner Profile. 


The IB CAS Program: Fostering Well-Rounded Individuals 

At the heart of the IB lies the CAS program, an essential component that encourages students to engage in a variety of activities that promote personal growth and community service. CAS challenges students to step out of their comfort zones, explore new interests, and develop a sense of responsibility toward the world around them. 

Creativity: In CAS, students are encouraged to pursue creative endeavors such as arts, music, writing, and more. This emphasis on creativity helps them become innovative thinkers who can approach challenges with fresh perspectives, a crucial skill for making positive changes in the world. 

Activity: Physical well-being is equally important, and the activity component of CAS encourages students to lead a balanced lifestyle. Engaging in sports and physical activities not only promotes health but also instills discipline, teamwork, and perseverance – qualities essential for effecting change. 

Service: Service is at the core of CAS. Through volunteering and community involvement, students learn the value of giving back. They develop empathy, a sense of social responsibility, and an understanding of how their actions can make a difference in the lives of others. 

Attributes of the IB Learner Profile: Shaping Future Change-Makers 

The IB Learner Profile comprises ten attributes that are woven into the fabric of an IB education. These attributes are not just words; they are guiding principles that help shape students into well-rounded individuals ready to tackle the challenges of the world: 

  • Inquirers: IB students are naturally curious, always eager to learn and explore. This attribute empowers them to seek out information, question the status quo, and drive positive change through a thirst for knowledge. 

  • Knowledgeable: An IB education provides students with a strong academic foundation, ensuring they have the expertise needed to make informed decisions and address complex global issues. 

  • Thinkers: IB students are critical thinkers who can analyze problems, evaluate solutions, and make sound judgments, making them effective agents of change. 

  • Communicators: Effective communication is key to influencing change. IB students learn to express themselves confidently and to listen actively, ensuring their voices are heard. 

  • Principled: Ethical behavior and integrity are paramount in the IB community. Students develop a strong moral compass, which guides their actions as they work towards positive change. 

  • Open-Minded: In an increasingly interconnected world, being open to different perspectives and cultures is essential. IB students embrace diversity, fostering global understanding and cooperation. 

  • Caring: The IB program encourages empathy and compassion, motivating students to take action to make the world a better place. 

  • Risk-Takers: Change often requires stepping into the unknown. IB students are willing to take calculated risks, showing courage and resilience in the face of adversity. 

  • Balanced: A balanced lifestyle promotes mental and physical well-being, ensuring that students have the stamina and clarity of mind needed to drive change. 

  • Reflective: Self-awareness and self-assessment are encouraged in the IB program. This attribute helps students learn from their experiences and continuously improve as they work towards positive change. 

An IB education is not just about academic excellence; it's about empowering students to be compassionate, knowledgeable, and engaged global citizens. Through the CAS program and the attributes of the IB Learner Profile, students are equipped with the skills, mindset, and values needed to make meaningful changes in the world. The SCIS Community can take pride in knowing that an IB education prepares our students to become the change-makers of tomorrow, ready to tackle the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. 


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How an IB Education Empowers Students to Make Change
  • Curriculum

In his enlightening article, Ken Kitchens delves into the transformative power of the IB program, illustrating how it molds students into well-rounded individuals equipped with the skills and values needed to drive meaningful change in the world, paving the way for a brighter future.