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#SaveTheDate | What to Expect from Back to School Night

Now that the new school has started and students are well acquainted with their class schedules, classmates, and teachers, it’s time for the parents to familiarize themselves with their child(ren)’s school life.  

Along with shopping for school supplies and adopting earlier bedtimes, Back to School Night is an important ritual marking the beginning of a new school year.  

SCIS will host multiple Back to School Nights. Please see the below schedule and mark the date and time on your calendar.  


SCIS Hongqiao 

Upper School: Thursday, August 24 from 5:00 to 7:30 PM 

Lower School: Thursday, August 31 from 5:30 to 7:00 PM  

ECE: Tuesday, September 5 from 5:30 to 7:00 PM  

SCIS Pudong 

All Divisions: Thursday, August 31 from 5:30 to 7:30 PM 


Whether you are a new or returning Dragon parent, Back to School Night is a parent-only community event that gives parents a sneak peek of their child’s daily school routine. And to get the best of Back to School Night, below is what you can expect and get the evening. 


Say “hi” to SCIS faculty and staff

This is an opportunity to meet and greet your child(ren)’s teacher(s), as well as administrators who will support your child’s learning through the school year. Teachers will share who they are, what to expect during the class, and what they expect from your child.   


Knowledge of what the classroom looks like

Take a look around the classroom. Is it organized? Is it warm and inviting? You can tell quite a bit about the teacher from what you see on the walls and bookshelves.   


What it’s like to sit in your child’s seat 

Many teachers may ask parents to sit in their child’s seat. This gives parents the opportunity to see the classroom from the child’s point of view, and it gives teachers the chance to mentally match parents with students. 


The homework and discipline policies 

The homework policy should include information on when homework is due, how it is evaluated and how often, how much is assigned each night and on weekends, and how much it counts towards the final grade. 


How to contact the teacher 

Find out how to contact the teacher and what form of communication they prefer: email, phone, or notes. 


Confirm your full contact details 

During Back to School Night, please check with our admins that your full details are correct (phone, email address, and home address) to ensure that SCIS has the latest contact information for any school-related communications.   

We look forward to meeting you on campus and we hope everyone has a successful Back to School Night! See you soon. 

SCIS. A Caring Community. 

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