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Welcome to the SCIS community!






















At the start of each new semester, prior to the first day of school, all SCIS campuses will hold a New Family Orientation event for our newly enrolled families. This event provides families the opportunity to meet campus administration, teachers, and other SCIS families, while also providing the opportunity for families to complete orientation tasks that ensure students are prepared for the first day of school.

For more details, please review the campus-specific, general information below. Additional details, final schedules, and an RSVP will be shared with you soon by your child’s divisional administration.

*Please note that the scheduling of our New Family Orientation may be impacted by regulations set out by local education authorities. If we are unable to welcome families to campus for an in-person orientation, we will be offering alternate virtual or off-campus orientation sessions prior to the first day of school.



SCIS provides door-to-door transportation services as part of the school program and at no additional fee.

If you have not filled out an application for transportation service, please fill out the online application by clicking here to create your account. The deadline to apply for the transportation service is December 1. Applications submitted after this date may be subject to a delay in service.

The transportation office will send detailed bus route information (i.e. pick-up/drop-off time & location) for your child before the first day of school. Transportation service information can be reconfirmed during the New Family Orientation event.

NOTE: Due to strict regulations imposed by the Shanghai Transportation Commission, schools in Shanghai will need up to three months to apply for a new permit in order to add a new bus, bus route, and/or bus stop to their existing service plan. Families who submit the transportation application after the posted deadline of December 1 (semester two) may be subject to a significant delay in transportation service while awaiting the next permit application window.

Please be mindful that it is the parent’s responsibility to contact our transportation office for services and/or changes to bus routes. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding transportation services, please contact the transportation representative at each campus listed below:

Campus Name Email Tel
Hongqiao Early Childhood Campus Angela Hu hq-ece-transportation@scis-china.org 86-21-6295-1222*7003
Hongqiao Main Campus Elaine Huang hq-transportation@scis-china.org 86-21-6261-4338*5151
Pudong Campus Stu Ren pd-transportation@scis-china.org 86-21-5812-9888*6002

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The SCIS Academic Calendar for the 2022-23 School Year was adjusted in July 2022. To view these adjustments, please review the updated school calendar here.


The first day of school for the 2022-2023 second semester is currently scheduled for Monday, January 30

SCIS has been fortunate enough to have offered on-campus learning throughout the first semester of the 2022-2023 school year, and in previous years throughout the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. Given the recent changes/easing of China's Covid-19 policies, and considering the upcoming Chinese New Year holiday, SCIS is currently awaiting notification from the local authority regarding the resumption of on-campus learning, in addition to related health and safety guidelines, for the start of the 2022-2023 second semester on January 30th. We hope to receive more information soon and will keep our community updated. More information will be sent by email and posted here thereafter.* 

If we are unable to resume on-campus learning following the Chinese New Year holiday for the start of the 2022-2023 second semester, then SCIS is prepared to start on January 30th via our Virtual Learning program.

The Virtual Learning Program 

For more information regarding the SCIS Virtual Learning Program, including community updates, FAQs, tutorials, and more, please visit our campus portal webpage (Hongqiao Campuses or Pudong Campus) to learn more. 

Returning to On-Campus Learning 

More information to come...

*UPDATE: SCIS has received approval to resume on-campus learning for all grade levels as of January 9th, 2023, after only one week of mandated virtual learning for Grades 1-9, while all other grade levels had already resumed on-campus learning immediately following the Winter Holiday. Although we will await more information regarding the resumption of on-campus learning for the start of the second semester, and following the Chinese New Year holiday, this recent approval provides continued optimism regarding the guidelines governing our ability to continue on-campus learning indefinitely. 

Resuming Transportation Services 

Once we are permitted to return to on-campus learning, we will immediately begin bus service. At that time, please ensure that your child is at their designated pick-up location prior to the pick-up time provided to you by our transportation representatives. Our bus drivers are unable to wait for students that arrive late to their pick-up location. 

If you are choosing to drop your child off on campus yourself, please plan to arrive at campus 15 minutes prior to the start of classes. Upper School students traveling to campus alone should also arrive at the campus at least 15 minutes prior to the start of classes.

  • Hongqiao ECE Campus classes start at 8:30 am and finish at 3:00 pm for full-day students. Half-day students in Nursery or Preschool finish at 12:00 pm.
  • Hongqiao Main Campus classes start at 8:00 am and finish at 3:00 pm for full-day students.
  • Pudong Campus classes start at 8:00 am and finish at 3:00 pm for full-day students. Half-day students in Nursery or Preschool finish at 11:30 am.

Staggered Start for Nursery & Preschool Students

To ensure a smooth and comfortable transition to their new classrooms, students in Nursery & Preschool will follow a staggered start for the beginning of the second semester and once we return to on-campus learning. This means that your child will not attend every day of school at the beginning of the second semester and when we return to on-campus learning. Your principal will follow up with a detailed schedule for the beginning of the second semester in the communication sent in January.

NOTE: at the Pudong Campus, the staggered start will include Pre-Kindergarten students as well.


SCIS provides all textbooks and most school supplies as part of the school program and at no additional fee.

Below are items required from home and should be prepared for the first day of school:

REMINDER: the school uniform is required for the first day of school and every day thereafter. Please remember to label all materials with your child’s name.


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SCIS provides one ‘start-up’ set of the school uniform as part of the school program and at no additional fee. Additional sets can be purchased at our School Uniform Shop.

Prior to the start of the first semester, the following options are available to pick up your ‘start up’ set of school uniform and/or to purchase additional sets.

Campus Name Email Tel
Hongqiao Early Childhood Campus Walter Zhou hq-ece-uniform@scis-china.org 86-21-6295-1222*7009
Hongqiao Main Campus Jenny Zhou hq-uniform@scis-china.org 86-21-6261-4338*3136
Pudong Campus Stephanie Ge pd-uniform@scis-china.org 86-21-5812-9888*6268

School Uniform Tip:

While the SCIS branded top is required, many students and families prefer to purchase their own bottoms in the size/cut and brand of their choice. Students are allowed to wear non-SCIS bottoms as long as they match the required school uniform color, style, and design. 

During the summer, the School Uniform Shop is open (by appointment only) weekdays from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. For additional school uniform purchasing information, please contact the campus representatives above.

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At SCIS, we believe that our collective intelligence increases through diversity. We are intentional about ensuring that each of our homeroom groups is a representation of SCIS’s international community. Therefore, we consider nationality, mother-tongue, English language proficiency, academic status, age and gender in the formation of homeroom groups. To ensure diverse groupings, SCIS is not able to honor parent requests for a particular teacher or homeroom placement.

NOTE: Please refrain from contacting the Admissions Department with regard to student placement requests and class schedules as this information is handled by the divisional administration and will not be available until the dates posted above.


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The Admissions & Technology Office will provide student ID cards for all new Upper School Students (Grades 6-12). If you submitted a passport photo during the application process, the Admissions Office will scan that photo and make a student ID card. If you have not submitted a passport photo, you can send your child’s photograph via email to our school technology department prior to your child’s start date.

NOTE: When e-mailing the technology department, please include your child’s/children’s Full Name(s)Student ID number(s) (as found in within your acceptance letter), and (a) passport-sized photograph(s).

Campus Name Email Tel
Hongqiao Campuses Harry Huang hq-technology@scis-china.org 86-21-6261-4338*3333
Pudong Campus Rambo Qian pd-technology@scis-china.org 86-21-5812-9888*6789


Parents / Guardians, who wish to apply for an ID card, please kindly click the following link. This link will allow you to not only create an ID for yourself, but also for your Driver and Ayi. Once you have submitted the ID request form, you will be able to pick up your IDs from the IT Office (Hongqiao Campuses) or Reception Desk (Pudong Campus) on your child’s first day of school.

NOTE: Parent / Guardian ID Cards are required for all adults to gain entrance to the SCIS campus. Without your ID Card, you will need to sign-in with the school guards.

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SCIS provides nutritious, wholesome and professionally prepared, buffet- style lunch daily as part of the school program at no additional fee. Each campus has their own fully-equipped kitchen, head chef, support staff and a spacious cafeteria operated by Kaijun F&B Management, a company with a long-term track record of success in the food and beverage industry in Shanghai and at SCIS.

The SCIS cafeteria offers an international and nutritious lunch menu, with an array of daily options to fit all palates. Upon request, accommodations can be made to support a range of special dietary needs.

For food service inquiries, please contact:
Hongqiao Campuses: hq-cafeteria@scis-china.org
Pudong Campus: pd-cafeteria@scis-china.org



SCIS is fortunate to have a parent organization called the Parents and Friends Association (PAFA). Founded in 1996, PAFA coordinates parent involvement with the school and is a source of strength and support, knowledge, experience and a place where many of our families find lifelong friends.

PAFA members will be on hand to greet new families during New Family Orientation.

If you would like to join the PAFA committee on your campus, help out with our many events or are simply curious to find out more information, please follow this link:



SCIS uses a variety of tools to facilitate communication between Parents, Teachers, and School Administrators, which can be accessed through your SCIS School ID. Before your child’s first day of school, you will receive your unique SCIS School ID from the Admissions Office. Your SCIS School ID will be your gateway to several important SCIS web-based information systems.


Follow us on social media to get a behind-the-scenes look at the daily life of students, teachers, and parents at

Shanghai Community International School campuses.

 #WeAreSCIS #scishongqiao #scispudong


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