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SCIS 2021-22 Guide For Families
Departing Shanghai Before June 9, 2022
Last updated: April 22nd, 2022 at 4:15PM

Though we are sorry to see our families leave Shanghai due to this challenging situation, we understand that the decision reflects what you determine to be best for you and your family. We respect your decision, and we provide the information below to support your departure from Shanghai and potentially our SCIS community.  

Steps for Travelling Families Re-Enrolled at SCIS for the 2022-23 School Year 

If your family is departing Shanghai before the end of this semester, and you are planning to return for the 2022-23 school year, please ensure you: 

  1. Notify your child’s teacher(s), divisional principal, as well as the Admissions Office (registrar@scis-china.org). 
  2. Return all school materials or work with the school to approve a plan for the return of all school materials.  
    • For students with school technology resources (MacBooks, chargers, etc.) please follow this link to learn about the process for school MacBook return, deposit or purchase options. 


Steps for Travelling Families Withdrawing from SCIS this School Year  

If your family is withdrawing from SCIS, please ensure to: 

  1. Notify your child’s teacher(s) and divisional principal, as well as the Admissions Office (registrar@scis-china.org). 
  2. Follow the Withdrawal Process and completed the Student Withdrawal Checklist
  3. Return all school materials or work with the school to approve a plan for the return of all school materials.  
    • For students with school technology resources (MacBooks, chargers, etc.) please follow this link to learn about the process for school MacBook return, or purchase options. 
  4. Please request school reports and certificate of attendance via email at registrar@scis-china.org
    • Please note, school reports and certificates can only be released once all school materials have been returned and the withdrawal process is complete. 


Virtual Learning for Students Who Depart Shanghai Prior to June 9, 2022  

As families come to the difficult decision to depart Shanghai before the end of the school year, a common concern is how their student will be able to complete their school year.  

Having been through several different iterations of Virtual Learning – from asynchronous non-live learning, blended learning, and live synchronous learning (our current model) we can say unequivocally that the latter is the model that provides the best virtual teaching and learning experience for our students.    

Our re-enrollment numbers and engagement with Virtual Learning give us confidence that maintaining this model is the way forward for the school, until such time as we can return to campus. 

If you are departing and you wish your child to have a successful completion of the school year at SCIS, and if they would like to be able to advance to the next grade level, we expect all students to be in regular attendance and complete all schoolwork according to divisional requirements.  


For our Grades 6 to 12 Students: 

  • Students should be present in synchronous classes where applicable (camera on, engaged, and completing work). We expect students to continue to meet attendance requirements in each class.  
  • All schoolwork (engagement with activities, classwork, formative assessments, and summative assessments) will be completed in a timely fashion and adhere to assessment norms for participation and submission.  


For our Kindergarten to Grade 5 Students: 

  • Students should be present in synchronous (live) classes where applicable (camera on, engaged, and completing work). We anticipate students maintain a high level of engagement and attend most live classes, including Mandarin and Specialist classes. 
  • Ideally, students will continue to join their class virtually during the regular school day from 8:00 am-3:00 pm Shanghai time. If your child is unable to attend the live session(s) due to time zone differences, they will be able to access a recording of the meeting in the Microsoft Teams chat. 
  • Schoolwork (Seesaw tasks) will be completed within a reasonable timeframe, enabling teachers to review work, identify evidence of learning, and provide feedback. 


For our Early Years Students (Nursery, Preschool, & Pre-Kindergarten): 

  • Students are encouraged to join their class Teams meetings virtually during the regular school day from 8:00 am-3:00 pm Shanghai time, depending on location. 
    • If your child is unable to attend the live session(s) due to time zone differences, they will be able to access a recording of the meeting in the Microsoft Teams chat. 
  • Students will continue to have access to Seesaw activities, including choice boards, which can be completed at the family’s convenience within the week.  


We thank you wholeheartedly for being with us this school year. If you will be returning for the 2022-23 school year, we wish you a healthy and safe journey. If you are withdrawing from SCIS we also want to wish you all our best as you continue your learning journey in your next school community and please remember, Once a dragon, always a dragon!